Agile vs. UX, the price of privacy, cascading Figma components

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

Fabricio Teixeira
UX Collective
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2023


“The value of design is the value of creativity, of problem-solving through nimble thinking, and of outside perspective. If production is the ice, then design is the water — made of the same stuff, but inchoate, able to flow into hidden spaces. It is trust in a process that will allow you to go down dead-ends and come back up to find the proper solution three months from now.

If your role as an enterprise designer at a huge enterprise organization is to somehow get your hands around 10,000 slightly-off patterns, systemized templates start to seem awfully appealing. But is that…design? I’m not too sure.

I used to be in design, but now I’m product.”

Small jobs, small dreams
By Joe Alterio

Editor picks

The UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices and illuminates the path to design mastery and critical thinking. Here’s how we’re boosting stories through our partnership with Medium.

Make me think

  • Good conversations have lots of doorknobs
    “Physical affordances are things like stairs and handles and benches. Conversational affordances are things like digressions and confessions and bold claims that beg for a rejoinder. Talking to another person is like rock climbing, except you are my rock wall, and I am yours.”
  • The most important trend in video games didn’t happen overnight
    “Before the late 2010s, most games made little effort to accommodate players with motor, visual, or auditory disabilities. What appears to be a sudden change can be the result of a long process behind the scenes. The widespread shift we see today came about as a result of individuals working toward change for years.”
  • Designing for (realistic) attention
    “Remember, 80% of your page’s visitors will not read it. Ever. 20% — at most — will. That doesn’t mean that 100% of your effort serves only 20% of your audience. It means that 80% of your audience can be considered active, while 20% of your audience should be considered ambiently aware. But 100% of your effort must go to serving 100% of your audience.”

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