The dark yellow problem, UX in the 90s, background grids, inclusive design

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

Fabricio Teixeira
UX Collective
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2022


“Inclusivity is at the heart of user-centric design approach, which considers not just the average user, but all users. That said, inclusivity isn’t an on/off switch you can magically flip in an instance. To design for all users, you need to consider their physical abilities, experiences, expectations, values, beliefs, and much more.”

Inclusive design 101
By Tina Golub

The UX Collective is an independent ad-free design publication that elevates unheard design voices, reaching over 500k+ designers every week. Join our Twitter community.

Editors’ picks

AI + Designers
And pretty much everyone else.
Antara Basu

Hold the line
The case made for refusing to wait a minute longer.
Jayson Zaleski

UX in the 1990s
Amusing stories from unsung pioneers.
Paul McInerney

Cindermedusae is a generative encyclopedia of imaginary sea creatures.


UX Researcher @
Float is the world’s leading software for teams to plan their time and, behind it, is a world-class team looking for an experienced UX Researcher to join us.

Product Designer @ Notion
Notion is on a mission to make it possible for every person, team, and company to be able to tailor their software to solve any problem and take on any challenge.

Submit a job opening or get your portfolio seen by hiring managers.

Make me think

The game is rigged: rethinking the creator economy
“The creator economy is still in its relative infancy. The truth is we don’t know what the creator economy is yet — but that doesn’t stop me from asking the question! So what is the creator economy? And why is it making so many people miserable?”

Trends are dead
“The tendency to register and categorize things, whether it be one’s identity, body type, or aesthetic preferences, is a natural part of online life. People have a penchant for naming elusive digital phenomena, but TikTok has only accelerated the use of cutesy aesthetic nomenclature.”

Tools and resources

UI & UX micro-tips
A collection of handy tips to help improve your designs.

Front drop
Figma to code in one step.

What’s the optimal line length?

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