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Is this the death or dawn of human creativity?
Is this the death or dawn of human creativity?
Should we fear AI as a creativity villain or celebrate it as a creativity companion?
Ian Batterbee
Mar 27
Can we actually design for sustainability?
Can we actually design for sustainability?
4 strategies to improve a product’s eco-friendliness without losing usability
Allie Paschal
Mar 27
UX Collective
We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers.
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Editor Picks
Cracking the code of vibe coding
Cracking the code of vibe coding
Not all vibes are good.
Pete Sena
Mar 21
Don’t become the butthead
Don’t become the butthead
Let’s talk about working with difficult people, or as I like to call them, “big ‘ol buttheads” (or “B’OBs,” TM pending). We’re surrounded…
Trip Carroll
Mar 17
Hype-driven CEOs: when innovation misses the point
Hype-driven CEOs: when innovation misses the point
More and more, we are being pulled away from truly important issues to satisfy executives obsessed with superficial innovation.
Raphael Dias
Mar 17
How these massive games keep players locked in
How these massive games keep players locked in
HoYoverse games constantly cater to both beginner and veteran players with new UX features.
Daley Wilhelm
Mar 16
Minimum Viable Whatever
Minimum Viable Whatever
MVP misconceptions: Why it’s so much more than just a quick release and how to avoid the poop trap
Henrik Ståhl
Mar 8
The hype and risks of vibe coding
The hype and risks of vibe coding
and why designers should not head down this path.
Darren Yeo
Mar 8
Latest & Greatest
It’s all fun and games… until your boss starts vibe coding
It’s all fun and games… until your boss starts vibe coding
Brace yourselves for a barrage of AI-assisted garbage made by people who don’t know an API from an IPA.
Michael F. Buckley
Mar 26
We built UX. We broke UX. And now we have to fix it!
We built UX. We broke UX. And now we have to fix it!
We didn’t just lose our influence. We gave it away. UX professionals need to stop accepting silence, reclaim our seat at the table, and…
Dan Maccarone
Mar 25
From human-centred design to designer-as-human
From human-centred design to designer-as-human
There’s no view from nowhere: embracing our humanity as design expertise.
Katherine (Kt) Sullivan
Mar 25
Do chatbots really need faces?
Do chatbots really need faces?
Rethinking human-like avatars in generative AI chatbots
Mar 25
Avoid premature solutions: how to respond when stakeholders ask for certain designs
Avoid premature solutions: how to respond when stakeholders ask for certain designs
How to avoid anchoring problems that result in stuck designers
Kai Wong
Mar 25
Vibe coding tips for product designers
Vibe coding tips for product designers
9 tips to get you ready to build that prototype using AI tools. Written for designers by a designer.
Benhur Senabathi
Mar 24
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